What Are the Most Common STDs?

STD testing is done to detect a sexually transmitted disease that can be a- bacteria, virus, or parasite. Today, many people are aware of the importance of STD testing. But, some people have certain misconceptions about STDs that could harm their partners in the long run. Anyone who is sexually active is at high risk of getting STDs and must get tested frequently. But, which test and when? According to the doctors, you must have STD testing at least once a year and whenever you have a new partner. If it is detected at an early stage then STD is easy to cure.

Difference between STDs and STIs?
Many people get confused between the STDs and STIs. Let’s discuss them. STDs are abbreviated as sexually transmitted infections (STIs). STD is abbreviated as sexually transmitted disease. People have less stigma about infection than the disease. Sometimes the infection occurs but without any symptoms and may cause disease. The best way to diagnose is to have a screening test for it after consulting a doctor. Because sometimes testing is not required. So, it is recommended that you must visit a doctor first.

Most Common STDs-

  • Human Papillomavirus (HPV)- It is the most common STD in the US. This virus causes genital warts, although the sores don’t appear to everyone who has HPV. It’s highly communicable and can transmit easily or even by skin to skin contact. When genital warts are present, you can normally analyze just by inspection. It is useful to have additional testing that may include biopsy or colposcopy in women.
  • Gonorrhea and Chlamydia- In this case, the bacteria generally develops in women. Moreover, it does not always create symptoms. To detect this bacteria, a screening is required which requires a urine sample. Infections are caused by oral, anal, or genital contact with someone else who has an infection.
  • Syphilis- It is an infection that is caused by a bacteria and passed from one to another by oral, anal, or genital contact with infection. In the initial stage, some painless sores can be noticed. For testing, a blood test or a swab test of sores is required. According to the CDC, a pregnant woman must go for this test. Because, the infection can easily be transferred to the fetus and may result in- miscarriage, a stillbirth or neurological problems.
  • HIV- This virus infection can be transmitted via blood (e.g, in intravenous drug abusers who share needles with infected persons) or sexually, by having unprotected anal or vaginal sex. In very rare cases, it can be spread by contact with fluids of another body.

If you are searching for a clinic for STD testing in New Jersey, contact NJ Doctors. You can come without an appointment. For more information, visit our website.

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