Sore Throat Treatment: Symptoms & Precautions

Many times we experience symptoms of sore throat and ignore the factors that might be responsible for the pain and coughing in the throat. Sometimes, sore throat can bring with it severe headaches and various other symptoms. We always blame the changing weather or the consumption of cold drinking water for sore throat. However, bacterial and viral infections can be responsible for the development of this condition. It is important that you consult your Diseases Specialist Doctor in NJ


Possible reasons for sore throat and headache 

There are various factors that are responsible for the development of a sore throat and various other bacterial infections. Below we have mentioned some of these factors for you. 

Bacterial Infections

A bacterial infection can be responsible for causing sore throat and rashes. The bacteria that amplifies the symptoms are Streptococcal bacteria. If you are experiencing sore throat because of the strep bacteria, it is known as strep throat. As per the Center for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC), 1 out of every 10 adults suffers from strep throat. There are various other symptoms as well. Some of them are syphilis, fever, rash, and pain in the muscles. 

Viral Infections

You might know this, but most of the viral infections can also result in the development of a sore throat. This can also result in a severe headache. Some examples of viral flu infections are the common cold, mononucleosis, and flu. Also, although rare, but HIV can also be a potential reason behind the development of sore throat. Make sure you consult your Diseases Specialist Doctors in NJ for proper diagnosis and treatment. 

Peritonsillar Abscess

We have all experienced the development of abscesses on some parts of our body. It is a tiny pocket of pus that causes rashes and at times even fever. In case you are suffering from the problem of sore throat and pain, it could be because of peritonsillar abscess. These abscesses occur behind the tonsils. This condition can be very painful and requires a diagnosis from a learned Diseases Specialist Doctor in NJ. Other symptoms that you might experience when suffering from this condition are swollen lymph nodes, difficulty while swallowing, and headaches. 

Head and neck cancer

Cancer can have a fatal impact on various organs in the body. If the cancer is in the head or neck, it can also have an impact on the throat. A sore throat can be a warning sign that the cancer is spreading. This requires an early diagnosis of the symptoms and effective treatment. Make sure you don’t consume alcohol or tobacco when seeking treatment for neck and head cancer. 

Lemierre Syndrome

It is rare to get exposed to a disease such as Lemierre Syndrome. If exposed, it can become a life-threatening situation. When a bacterial throat infection becomes complicated, it can result in the development of Lumiere syndrome. The infection, in these diseases, spreads deep into the tissue layers. A blood clot might get formed in the jugular vein. You might even experience fever, chills, and headaches. 

Do not ignore the signs and symptoms of a sore throat. Make sure you consult your Diseases Specialist Doctors in NJ for enhanced diagnosis and effective treatment. 

Published by NJ Doctors Urgent Care

Little scrapes can be treated at home. Life-threatening conditions, like strokes and chest pains, require a trip to the ER. For everything in between, there’s urgent care. NJ Doctors Urgent care offers treatment to patients of all ages for injury and illness, like the flu, asthma attacks, broken bones, cuts requiring stitches and more.

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