What is the role of occupational medicine physicians?

Occupational and environmental health is crucial to improve the lives of workers and the public. As per the survey conducted in 2010, in the United States, nearly 60,000 deaths and 860,000 diseases occurred due to occupational exposures, such as biological, chemical and radiological. With the growing number of occupational injuries and diseases, the demand for occupational medicine physicians in New Jersey has also increased. 

Now, you must be wondering what is occupational medicine. Well, it is a branch of medicine usually focuses on keeping workers well both physically and mentally. Since workplaces have become more complex, the number of occupational medicine physicians has increased to help people understanding what effects does their work has on their health. Occupational medicine physicians usually work with the multidisciplinary teams, which include ergonomists, nurses, psychologists, psychiatrists, occupational hygienists, physiotherapists health, occupational health advisors, therapists, and safety and environmental specialists. 


What importance do occupational medicine physicians have in the workplace?

To start from the basic level, occupational medicine physicians work to protect workers from getting any illnesses and injuries in the workplace. However, the major role of occupational medicine physicians is to make workers understand serious health risks related to their industry, seasonal illnesses and a high rate of injury. 

What illnesses and injuries of occupational medicine physicians can treat?

  • They help workers in preventing work-related illness and injury
  • Assessing and treating most of the work-related illnesses
  • Safety and general health issues in the workplace 
  • Psychiatry and psychology 
  • Prevention, assessment, and treatment of the injury 
  • Repetitive strain injury
  • Rehabilitation strategies 
  • Pre-employment medical assessments for pilots, drivers, and heavy machinery drivers

What to expect at your first appointment with an occupational medicine doctor?

When you visit an occupational medicine doctor for the first time, you can expect the following things.

History – During your first visit, your occupational medicine doctor will start by getting background information. This includes:

  • The industry you’re working in
  • Your previous and current health concerns 
  • The possible hazards you may face at your workplace
  • Any current symptoms

Besides, they will also ask you about your:

  • Ongoing treatment and medications
  • Allergies 
  • Smoking 
  • Family history 
  • Drug and alcohol use


Well, your doctor will start your examination by measuring your weight, height, blood pressure, pulse rate, and general appearance. Once you’re examined physically, then occupational specialists will examine your specific problem. 

In closing 

Occupational medicine doctors play a great role in improving the overall health of workers, especially those who work in notorious industries. However, the occupational physician you choose should be experienced and well-certified. You can either search on the internet or ask for a reference to find the best occupational medicine physicians in New Jersey.

Published by NJ Doctors Urgent Care

Little scrapes can be treated at home. Life-threatening conditions, like strokes and chest pains, require a trip to the ER. For everything in between, there’s urgent care. NJ Doctors Urgent care offers treatment to patients of all ages for injury and illness, like the flu, asthma attacks, broken bones, cuts requiring stitches and more.

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