5 Signs it’s time to consider pregnancy testing

Whether you have been eagerly waiting to hear the good news or you are not yet ready to be a mother, both the cases can result in anxiety or stress. Therefore, it is better to get it confirmed by a healthcare professional with pregnancy testing in NJ

In most cases, women don’t know when is the right time to go for pregnancy tests. If you’re one of them, here are the five signs that show it’s the right time to consider pregnancy tests. 

Here are the important signs that indicate you should take a pregnancy test.

#1. You’ve skipped your period 

One of the common signs of pregnancy is a missed period. Although there are many reasons for missing a period, if you’re sexually active and have skipped your monthly period, it could be a sign of pregnancy. To get a confirmation, visit the nearest nursing homes or urgent care clinics for pregnancy testing. 


#2. Changes in your breast 

During pregnancy, people produce more hormones like progesterone and estrogen, which will start making some changes in your body. Due to these hormones, your breast may appear swollen and feel tender. In some women, the nipples may hurt and appear slightly darker in the initial days of pregnancy. 

Please remember, many women experience breast discomfort before their period. Therefore, to confirm your pregnancy, it is important to take a pregnancy test. 

#3. Nausea and vomiting 

Nausea and vomiting are another common sign that is associated with pregnancy, which usually starts through the 2nd and 8th week of pregnancy. Besides sore breast and cramps, if you also experience morning sickness and frequent urination, then it might be the right time to get your pregnancy test done. 

#4. Fatigue 

Feeling tired is also a common sign of early pregnancy. If you don’t have stress and have adequate sleep, then your fatigue could be due to pregnancy. This usually happens due to hormonal changes, such as the production of progesterone. 

#5. Food cravings or aversions 

Pregnant women can also experience food aversions and strange cravings in the first trimester, which sometimes persist during the entire pregnancy period. Cravings usually vary from dirt to ice and sweets. If you have any unusual cravings, immediately consult a healthcare professional and take a pregnancy test in NJ. 

In closing 

If you’re sexually active and experience any of these signs, then you should immediately seek the help of a medical care provider. Of course, you can use a home pregnancy test to check whether you’re pregnant or not. However, these tests are not reliable, only the doctor can confirm your pregnancy with a blood test. 


Published by NJ Doctors Urgent Care

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