A Look at Influenza Vaccination in NJ

Are you aware of the fact that every year in the United States, a lot of people die because of influenza? Probably the best example of how dangerous influenza can be was the influenza pandemic in 1918. Around 100 million people died in a single influenza season. Contrary to what folks believe, influenza is not just a bad cold. It is a serious respiratory illness that affects the windpipe.
If you are a parent or a guardian, below mentioned is everything you should know about influenza.


What is influenza? Also known as “Flu”, influenza is a virus that affects the windpipe or bronchi. Various symptoms take place all of a sudden and consist of high fever, chills, serious headache. The beginning of shaking chills is so considerable that a lot of folks will remember the exact time when it started. This virus also leads to a runny nose and cough that can last for long.
Moreover, even animals can be infected with influenza, specifically:

  • Birds and poultry, such as chickens and turkeys
  • Aquatic birds, such as ducks
  • Pigs
  • Horses
  • Dogs
  • Cats
  • Sea mammals, such as seals and whales

Symptoms of Flu
Common signs and symptoms of the flu include:

  • Fever over 100.4 F (38 C)
  • Aching muscles
  • Chills and sweats
  • Headache
  • Dry, persistent cough
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Nasal congestion
  • Sore throat

When animals are infected with different strains of influenza, a new type can emerge. If the new type can infect humans, be easily passed from one person to another and causes illness, a pandemic, or worldwide epidemic can occur.

Who should get the influenza vaccine? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, kids from 6 months of age and older get the influenza vaccine every year. Kids of 6 months to 8 years of age need two doses of influenza vaccine that are separated by four weeks if they:

  • Have never received an influenza vaccine
  • Have an uncertain influenza vaccination history

How can you pay for flu vaccines? There are various healthcare insurance plans that cover the number of vaccinations. However, do not forget to check with your insurance provider before going to the doctor. In cases where you do not have any insurance that covers the vaccines of your child, you can take help from Children Vaccine Program. This program helps families who are not able to afford and do not have access to vaccines.

Before getting vaccines to make sure you gather all the information. If necessary consult a doctor. To know more about Influenza Vaccinations in NJ, get in touch with NJ Doctors Urgent Care.

Published by NJ Doctors Urgent Care

Little scrapes can be treated at home. Life-threatening conditions, like strokes and chest pains, require a trip to the ER. For everything in between, there’s urgent care. NJ Doctors Urgent care offers treatment to patients of all ages for injury and illness, like the flu, asthma attacks, broken bones, cuts requiring stitches and more.

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